CCE – Conscious touch (Wien)

Cuddleparty – enjoying the pleasure of conscious touch
„…to thrive and prosper, we humans require physical touch like flowers need water….“
Our Cuddleparty is a playful opportunity to experience communication, boundaries and attraction on another level or to just cuddle and to fill up on energy and love after a draining week! Its a wonderful place to get to know yourself better, to relax and share closeness and intimacy.
Let yourself be enchanted by an atmosphere of security and warmth in which you can touch, be touched, have fun and enjoy yourself to the fullest. Make a habit of asking for what you want. Experience that a „no“ is not the end of the world. Realize that an authentic „yes“ or „no“ nurtures the trust in yourself and lets it grow: Self-Confidence!

The most important rules:
You only do what you really want. You dont have to cuddle with anyone that you dont want to cuddle with. You dont have to do anything. You ask for permission and recieve a verbal „yes“ before you touch anyone, and the other way around. Say „yes“ if you mean „yes“ and „no“ if you mean „no“. A „maybe“ is a „no“. You are free to change your mind any time.
Clothes stay on during the entire party! Everything will be welcome: Tears, Joy, Silence,…

Opening circle | Presentation of the rules | Practice block on yes and no, true boundaries and outer wishes | Free cuddle circle | closing circle

The room is located in the beautiful 15th district at Künstlergasse 14 / Top 1 and is within walking distance of the U6 station Gumpendorfer Straße and the U4 station Längenfeldgasse. It can be entered barrier-free.

4 pm – 7 pm
(Please arrive a couple of minutes earlier. We want to start on time with a welcoming circle in which we explain the rules, the structure and get to know eachother to create a safe space for everyone.)

25 €/ person (20 € reduced*)
The fee for the CCE – Conscious touch you pay on site in cash. Please bring it with you.
* The discount applies to pensioners, pupils, students, the unemployed and recipients of social benefits.

Your registration is necessary, because we have only a limited number of places. Write me an email and register with pleasure.
With our confirmation your registration is binding.*

* Your registration for the CCE – Bewusst berühren is binding. You have until 24 h before the event to cancel free of charge. After that, the full participation fee will be due, as we can no longer allocate the space otherwise.

Please bring cozy clothes.
Come freshly showered, refrain from all smells (deodorant, perfume, etc.) and pay attention to a well-groomed appearance. The cuddly contact involves all the senses, not only the sense of touch.

I strongly recommend doing a PCR test before the event (one day before). Alternatively, you are welcome to do an antigen test on Sunday (self-test).

Learn more about cuddle parties.

Please read our FAQ oder our Cuddle-Knigge.


Jan. 08 2023


16:00 - 19:00




Rebekka / Sora
Rebekka / Sora
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