Welcome dear cuddly friend…

We are working on the English version of our website. Here is a first overview of our offers.
For everything else, please use Google Translator or similar tools until further notice. Thank you.

Touch and let yourself be touched.

The KuschelRaum is a network that brings people together and creates connection through mindful touch.

Be it wonderful cuddle parties, mindful cuddle therapy or holistic trainings, this is meant to be a place of growth, authenticity and, above all, joy. A space to discover and live conscious touch, intimacy and deep connection. Here you can nurture yourself, show up with all your desires and boundaries, gently accept and dare to just be yourself. Here you can meet other like-minded people. With your senses and directly through the heart.

Our offers

Touch is not only about touching the physical body. It is always means also touching the mind, heart and soul of another person. Our tactile experiences inThe engagement with it influences the way we think, feel and experience our world. Touch not only gives us moments of happiness and deep satisfaction. It can improve our relationships, offers potential for growth, and can lead to a more fulfilling life as a result. With our offers we want to convey the universal language of touch and create a possibility of opening for real intimacy.

The KuschelRaum wants to create a continuously growing network throughout Germany and Europe, where people can come together to experience, learn and offer conscious, loving touch.


Cuddle Therapy

Enjoy pure coziness with certified cuddle therapists.
Discover the wide field of the art of touch in touch coaching.

Workshops Berührung

Cuddle Workshops

Deepen your knowledge of touch, authentic connection and intimacy. Learn the language of touch and (experience) touchability.


Cuddle Partys

Enjoy deceleration and fill up on closeness. Discover our cuddle party formats and experience variations of happiness with like-minded people.

Ausbildungen im KuschelRaum


Cuddle therapy, cuddle party hosting, facilitating and more.
Gain in-depth knowledge and extensive practice. Create a safe experiential space of self-development for your participants.

ausbildungsretreat im KuschelRaum

Training Retreat

Become a certified Cuddle Therapist and learn to give mindful, nurturing touch. Experience community and nature with like-minded people.
Let yourself be touched and be touched.

About us

Mission & Vision

We are starting a Cuddle Revolution.
„Touch nourishes us, makes us blossom and shine. We feel seen, respected and loved.“


Who we are.
What touches us.
What moves us.


The key values of the KuschelRaums are authenticity, empathy, joy and quality. The KuschelRaum stands for growth from within.

Known for:

The CuddleRoom, a three-time RED FOX Award nominee in the Relationship Expert category from 2021 - 2023.

“Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth.”
- Margaret Atwood

"My whole body is grinning." - Participant of a Conscious Cuddle Experience

"I felt accepted and valued in every way from the very beginning. Thank you for your trusting openness and deep calmness, which gave me great security and peace. It was like a wonderful short holiday." - Client - eye-level cuddle session

"I have never been so aware of touch before." - Participant of a Conscious Cuddle Experience - Playfight Edition