Conscious Cuddle Experience „Conscious Touch“ (in English with Rebekka/Sora)
Conscious Cuddle Experience „CONSCIOUS TOUCH“ – Conscious cuddling in a warm, safe atmosphere with established rules. The focus of this format is on engaging with boundaries and desires, with a clear understanding of yes and no. The invitation is to feel yourself and follow the impulses of your body. This space is particularly well-suited for those who want to enter the vast world of cuddle parties, but it also offers an opportunity for experienced cuddlers to practice self-responsibility and self-care by authentically and uncompromisingly asking themselves: „Where do I want to be? What do I want to do? And with whom?“
We will introduce you to the rules of the Conscious Cuddle Experiences, followed by a practice session that prepares you to relax into the subsequent free cuddle time. Together, we create a space of mindfulness and mutual respect, where you can navigate your most beautiful cuddling experience while honoring your boundaries and freely expressing your desires.
Good to know: During the practice session, there will be no touch exercises. Throughout the entire event, any touch will only occur with explicit consent. Consent and self-determination are our top priorities.
You only do what you really want. You dont have to cuddle with anyone that you dont want to cuddle with. You dont have to do anything. You ask for permission and recieve a verbal „yes“ before you touch anyone, and the other way around. Say „yes“ if you mean „yes“ and „no“ if you mean „no“. A „maybe“ is a „no“. You are free to change your mind any time.
Clothes stay on during the entire party! Everything will be welcome: Tears, Joy, Silence,…
Opening circle | Presentation of the rules | Practice block on yes and no, true boundaries and outer wishes | Free cuddle time | closing circle
The room is located in the beautiful 15th district at Künstlergasse 14 / Top 1 and is within walking distance of the U6 station Gumpendorfer Straße and the U4 station Längenfeldgasse. It can be entered barrier-free.
5 pm to 8 pm – doors open at 4:40 pm
(Please arrive a couple of minutes earlier. We want to start on time with a welcoming circle in which we explain the rules, the structure and get to know eachother to create a safe space for everyone.)
30 €/ person (25 € reduced*)
You will get further information about how to pay your fee via e-mail.
* The discount applies to pensioners, pupils, students, the unemployed and recipients of social benefits.
Your registration is necessary, because we have only a limited number of places. Write me an email to : rebekka@kuschelraum.at and register.
Please bring cozy clothes.
Come freshly showered, refrain from all smells (deodorant, perfume, etc.) and pay attention to a well-groomed appearance. The cuddly contact involves all the senses, not only the sense of touch.
Learn more about cuddle parties.
Please read our FAQ or our Cuddle-Knigge.